Separation Rate for all Regular Generation X Employees

Separation Rate for all Regular Generation X Employees

Separation Rate for all Regular Generation X Employees
Separation Rate for all Regular Generation X Employees

A line graph with fiscal year 2020 (N=2485), 2021 (N=2485), and 2022 (N=2533) on the x-axis,  and separation rate by type for all regular generation x employees on the y-axis.

In fiscal year 2020, involuntary separations (0.3%), no fault separations (0.2%), voluntary separations (3.9%),  and retirement (1.1%).

In fiscal year 2021, involuntary separations (0.3%), no fault separations (0.2%), voluntary separations (3.9%),  and retirement (1.5%).

In fiscal year 2022, involuntary separations (0.3%), no fault separations (0.5%), voluntary separations (6%),  and retirement (1.8%).

Last reviewed June 22, 2023