Separation Rate for all Regular Millennial Employees

Separation Rate for all Regular Millennial Employees

Separation Rate for all Regular Millennial Employees
Separation Rate for all Regular Millennial Employees. (Click for long image description)

A line graph with fiscal year 2020 (N=1622), 2021 (N=1701), and 2022 (N=1919) on the x-axis,  and separation rate by type for all regular millennial employees on the y-axis.

In fiscal year 2020, involuntary separations (0.6%), no fault separations (0.2%), voluntary separations (8.4%),  and retirement (0%).

In fiscal year 2021, involuntary separations (0.8%), no fault separations (0.4%), voluntary separations (8.5%),  and retirement (0%).

In fiscal year 2022, involuntary separations (0.4%), no fault separations (0.1%), voluntary separations (10.7%),  and retirement (0%).

Last reviewed June 22, 2023