2017 Volunteer Awards - Elders in Action volunteer recognition

Stephanie Williams Montgomery - Stephanie Montgomery is an Elders in Action board member, a lifelong human rights advocate, and has supported opportunities for underrepresented populations to thrive and become self-supporting.  Her clear, direct approach to management and organizational improvement, especially in enhancing cross cultural communication and implementing diversity and equity strategies, has been vital to Elders in Action.

Sharon Cowley - Sharon Cowley is a tenacious Personal Advocate who brings a bounty of work and life experience to Elders in Action. She does an exceptional job volunteering at the Portland Police Bureau Elder Crime Unit where she works with older adults who have been a victim of a crime such as identity theft, robbery, and elder abuse.

Habeebah Akbar - Habeebah Akbar is an outstanding Personal Advocate volunteer at Elders in Action working directly with older adults on our Information & Referral line and at the Multnomah County Courthouse where she helps people petition for Elder Abuse Restraining Orders.  She brightens every room she enters and brings a wealth of knowledge from her background working as a paralegal, criminal investigator, and case manager.