Developmental Disability (DD)

Developmental Disability means a neurological condition that:

  • Originates before the individual reaches the age of 22 years, except that in the case of intellectual disability, the condition is manifested before the age of 18;
  • Originates in and directly affects the brain and has continued, or is expected to continue, indefinitely;
  • Constitutes a significant impairment in adaptive behavior as diagnosed and measured by a qualified professional; and
  • Is not primarily attributed to other conditions, including but not limited to mental or emotional disorder, sensory impairment, substance abuse, personality disorder, learning disability, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Intellectual Disability (ID)

Intellectual Disability means significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning defined as intelligence quotient's (IQ's) under 70 as measured by a qualified professional and existing concurrently with significant impairment in adaptive behavior that are manifested during the developmental period, prior to 18 years of age.

Individuals of borderline intelligence, IQ's 70-75, may be considered to have intellectual disability if there is also significant impairment of adaptive behavior as diagnosed and measured by a qualified professional.

Individual Support Plan (ISP)

Individual Support Plan means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The type of service supported needed, how supports are delivered, and the frequency of provided supports are included in the plan.

The ISP is developed at minimum annually to reflect decisions and agreements made during a person-centered process of planning and information gathering. The ISP is the individual's plan of care for Medicaid purposes.

Individual Support Plan (ISP) Team

Individual Support Plan (ISP) Team means a team composed of the individual served, agency representatives who provide service to the individual (if appropriate for in-home supports), the guardian (if any), the services coordinator, and may include family or other persons requested to develop the ISP or requested by the individual.