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person writing a flow chartIf you want to serve participants more effectively, as well as potentially saving time, money, or staff resources and improve your equity efforts we have research-backed tools and processes to help. Register for our free quality improvement trainings.

Who is This For?

Our Quality Improvement workshops are for staff of our nonprofit contracting partners. 

What is Quality Improvement?

Quality improvement is a problem-solving framework that combines equity for all, innovation, experimentation, human-centered design, and teamwork to solve work problems and reduce complexity. Its aim is improved services for customers, and simpler, more effective work processes. 

What We Do

  • Coach staff in the scientific method of quality improvement to simplify work processes, innovate, and deliver quantifiable results

  • Provide training in leading quality improvement and using quality improvement tools

Our Results

More than 200 staff have been trained and have worked in teams to launch successful Quality Improvement projects including:

  • Eliminated backlogs and shortened response time for applications from six-weeks to a one-day approval process.
  • Increase service capacity in our Money Management Program from 30 clients to 100 clients.
  • Facilitated and delivered recommendations on two major equity processes in human resources 
  • Increased Adult Protective Services screening accuracy by 23%, expediting investigations and participant safety. 

Who We Are

Corynn Buckholdt, Quality Improvement Coach Corynn coaches work teams and leaders in designing equitable, effective, efficient, and sustainable work processes. She has more than 20 years of quality improvement experience as a manager, lead, team member, and consultant. Her professional background includes senior leadership roles with local government and nonprofit human service agencies. MBA, Certified Lean Practitioner

Matt Zimmerman, Quality Improvement Coach Matt has been working in the quality improvement field for 10 years, in manufacturing, the Multnomah County Health Department, and Dept of County Human Services. He has a passion for applying improvement science to how we serve the residents of Multnomah County. BSB, Certified Lean Practitioner

Contact us


Phone: 503.988.6222