00:28:36 Maja Harris (she/her): By-laws! 00:29:58 Allison Brown (she/her): Hello Jay's cat! 00:30:11 J'reyesha Brannon: haha :) 00:35:49 Maja Harris (she/her): I’m support changing the language to notification instead of approval 00:36:00 Samantha Gladu (she/they): same 00:36:06 Theresa Mai (she/her): Same 00:40:02 Maja Harris (she/her): Happy to move along! 00:46:12 Maja Harris (she/her): Marc, I think you’re experience would be very valuable! 00:47:59 Maja Harris (she/her): *your 00:48:16 Annie Kallen she/ her: Maybe two co-chairs and a back-up chair if both of those people are gone at a particular meeting? 00:57:06 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Powerful - I like three co-chairs 00:57:43 Jude (they/them): I’d be happy with either 3 or 2 co-chairs 01:00:11 Maja Harris (she/her): Thanks for your willingness to take this on, Marc, Theresa and Ana! 01:04:47 Timur Ender (he/him): My sense is that Marc, Theresa, and Ana will supplement each other quite well. I think you each bring different, valuable traits so thanks for being willing to be in this position. 01:04:56 Annie Kallen she/ her: Agreed Timur 01:04:57 J'reyesha Brannon: ^ agreed 01:05:01 Jude (they/them): +++++ 01:05:31 Samantha Gladu (she/they): yes 01:07:14 Annie Kallen she/ her: I could use 5 min 01:07:17 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Yes please! 01:07:29 Marc Gonzales (he/him): I think this will work well with the different backgrounds and experiences, thanks. 01:07:59 Robbie N. he/him: This is my first time as a Multnomah County bystander. That testimony from the absent member was powerful moving testimony. I am a member of BIPOC member and recipient of Public Hero Award as well. I can emphasize as well. Good fist of five procedures. Probably, I will write a public testimony statement in Febuary. Congrats to your Co-Chairs. 01:10:54 Robbie N. he/him: I had leave since this was the fifth Zoom meeting for today. Kali has my contact info. My last comment is an important issue that Zoom access is an important issue. Yes, this county needs put more effort t address this issue. It is happening to all their advisory groups. 01:11:25 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Thank you for being here, Robbie, and for your observations. I love fist to five! 01:17:21 Ana del Rocio: Hello, everyone. My apologies for arriving late. I had a meeting in Woodburn and was stuck in traffic. 01:17:42 Allison Brown (she/her): Ana! Glad you're here and congratulations: you're one of our co-chairs :) We can fill you in shortly 01:17:48 Theresa Mai (she/her): No worries. Congrats on becoming a co-chair! 01:17:50 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Hi Ana - congratulations on being elected a co-chair!!! ❤️🥳 01:18:20 Danica Leung (she/her): We just heard your prepared statement to Kali and it really resonated with us. Thank you so much for sharing it! 01:19:27 Ana del Rocio: Ha! What wonderful news. Thank you :). It is a sincere honor. I can’t wait to get started and work with co-chairs and all of you on making this review process impactful and transformative! 01:23:52 Ana del Rocio: I do appreciate some quorum requirement as a democratic practice – we’ve been appointed to serve as a body and I wouldn’t feel comfortable making decisions without as much of that body together as possible. 01:26:15 Ariella Frishberg, JLA, she/her: and, a committee member could attend subcommittee meetings without being an official member of that subcommittee, correct? 01:31:14 Ana del Rocio: I am catching the tail end of this discussion but I agree that mutual trust for sure is important. The reciprocal commitment on the county side is to provide coordination and scheduling support to make meeting attendance as accessible to as many subcommittee members as possible. 01:33:00 Ana del Rocio: I like form to follow function, so it would be great to determine what we want to focus on as a group and then decide the appropriate committee structure to accomplish that work. 01:35:18 Annie Kallen she/ her: Good point Ana. 01:42:27 Maja Harris (she/her): What is the difference between voting methods and process for electing officials? 01:42:47 Marc Gonzales (he/him): Are any of these topics subject to State law rather than County authority? 01:44:59 Marc Gonzales (he/him): That question was about the list of rated topics. 01:52:35 Timur Ender (he/him): As I’m thinking about subcmtes in my head, I’m seeing it this way. I organized it in my head this way because with the first subcmte, if you touch one thing, it seems like it is a fairly linked web to everything else. *Govt structure & Govt inputs* DA/County Mngr/Sheriff Voting methods/access Number of commissioners/ duties of chair/ campaign finance/ Apportionment Process for electing officials *Charter process* Auditor Charter Review Cmte process Ofc of Community involvement 01:58:38 Ariella Frishberg, JLA, she/her: Thanks for being here with us for the meeting, Carol! 02:04:05 Samantha Gladu (she/they): I’m grateful for the Auditor crew and OCI crew being very prepared, and being our first public testimony! 02:04:42 Ana del Rocio: No academic studies that I know of as of now, but lots of anecdotal evidence and local-level analyses about the impact and potential impacts of restricting dollars in any way towards the election of a historically excluded group in public office. 02:04:58 Theresa Mai (she/her): Thank you, Ana! 02:06:32 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Like Timur, I’ll offer an idea around grouping! 02:06:34 Samantha Gladu (she/they): County Gov
- auditor
- office of community involvement
- charter review process
- county manager
- salaries 
- charter language gender neutral 

Legal System
- sheriff
- DA
- auditor (I’m really curious about how the auditor can influence equity outcomes for the sherrif and DA) 

- voting methods / process for electing officials
- campaign finance
- districts
- resolution of tied election
- requirements for elected officials 
- number of commissioners
- creation and/or filling of vacancies 02:07:01 Marc Gonzales (he/him): nice grouping! 02:07:07 J'reyesha Brannon: Those three are really good 02:07:09 Ana del Rocio: I’d appreciate time to review lists and rationales after this meeting 02:07:13 Theresa Mai (she/her): I really like your grouping, Samantha! 02:07:14 J'reyesha Brannon: 3 is a very reasonable number of subcommittees too 02:08:36 Timur Ender (he/him): I like it, Samantha. 3 is a manageable amt. I probably will only be able to commit to 1 02:09:36 Allison Brown (she/her): Proposal: Meet on January 11th 5:30-7:30pm 02:09:40 Annie Kallen she/ her: My only concern is if we can be sure that a quorum will be able to attend. 02:09:44 Allison Brown (she/her): 6-8pm 02:09:55 Timur Ender (he/him): I'm down for 1/11 02:13:14 Annie Kallen she/ her: I think there should be a limit. 02:13:56 J'reyesha Brannon: I agree with Maja 02:15:59 Samantha Gladu (she/they): I love that idea! 02:16:19 J'reyesha Brannon: yes please! 02:16:50 Timur Ender (he/him): Great points Maja and I don't necessarily have a strong opinion. 02:16:58 Marc Gonzales (he/him): I agree that a limit of two pages is reasonable. I’ve witnessed extended and sometimes repetitive testimony at public meetings in the past. Again, we have only two hours for each meeting. 02:18:17 Danica Leung (she/her): As a legislative intern, I saw a lot of long-winded, excessive pdfs sent to our email, so I would appreciate a limit (not necessarily two pages) so that we can provide adequate attention to all public comments! 02:18:17 Theresa Mai (she/her): I would like to volunteer! 02:20:14 Ana del Rocio: Clarifying question for my memory: Are we allowed to engage with/respond to public commenters during these meetings or is there a listen-only requirement? 02:20:56 Marc Gonzales (he/him): That could work. 02:21:20 Ana del Rocio: Thanks! 02:21:28 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Tri-chairs! 02:21:32 Timur Ender (he/him): Great job tonight everyone. I feel like we got through a lot of work today 02:21:37 Maja Harris (she/her): I’m happy to volunteer re community input as well! 02:21:50 Annie Kallen she/ her: Very productive today! Thanks everyone! 02:21:58 Samantha Gladu (she/they): Thank you community input/engagement group! 02:22:14 Jude (they/them): I’m interested in volunteering for community engagement