April 2013

View the full RFP On Call Engineering Services

The intent of this Request for Proposals is to secure a contract or contracts to augment current county staffing, to provide on-call professional services. Services are intended to be used by Road Services Division, Bridge Division and Land Use & Transportation Planning Division to assist in providing roads, bridges and associated improvements for the vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian facilities operated and maintained by Multnomah County. Internal staffing is limited, and the addition of external support is frequently required. The County is seeking teams capable of providing the full range of services identified. The County intends to select a primary and a secondary firm to provide multi-year support to the County Land Use and Transportation Program. These contracts will replace existing contracts that are due to expire. Specific work to be done under the contracts will be established by task orders.

Sustainability Questions Used (additional sustainability reference on page 7)

Multnomah County embraces the concept that decisions to protect the environment and promote public health can have the greatest impact and cost effectiveness when applied early to the design and development phase of a process or product.

  1. Describe how on past projects you incorporated into the design the use of processes and products that are feasible and economical while reducing the generation of pollution at the source and minimizing the risk of human health and the environment. Provide specific examples and details.
  2. Describe how materials and products were specified and selected on past projects. Describe methodologies used with specific examples and any that you believe may be applicable to likely be carried forward on this contract.
  3. Describe sustainable innovations integrated on past projects. Provide specific examples and any that you believe may be applicable to likely be carried forward on this contract. 
  4. Describe unique sustainability approaches, methodologies, and practices that Proposer has to offer. Provide specific examples and details.
  5. Demonstrate your organization’s sustainable business practices, which could include, but are not limited to a formal sustainability program and/or policies covering recycling measures; energy and water conservation; and a green cleaning policy. Provide specific examples, metrics, and details of practices.

Evaluation Criteria:
• Proposer describes feasible and economical processes and products used in past
projects to reduce pollution and minimize risk to human health and the environment.
• Proposer describes methods for selecting materials and products on past projects.
• Proposer describes unique sustainable approaches integrated on past projects relating to design, materials specification, and methodologies that proposer has to offer.
• Proposer provides specific examples, metrics, and details of practices related to their sustainable business practices.