A budget is a reflection of a community's values and priorities. As a community member, you play an important role in this process. Chair Jessica Vega Pederson presented her proposal for the county's Fiscal Year 2025 budget to the Multnomah County Board Commissioners on April 25, 2024. This began a process of review by the Board that culminates in the passage of a balanced budget in June. 

The Chair eagerly invites input from the public during all preliminary stages of the budget process.

Centering and embedding equity in the annual budget process continues to be a priority of the Chair and community consultation and engagement is key to the achievement of this aim. Our office collected over 1000 individual submissions to our community budget survey in February and March and we are actively using this input to inform our budget priorities. We also encourage your continued participation by joining any of the three public hearings coming up in May - learn more and sign up to testify following this link

Additionally, a dedicated email address has been created for community members and other stakeholders to submit comments or questions: ChairBudget@multco.us.

More information and additional opportunities for the community to participate in the annual budget process will be posted on this website, so check back regularly.

A recording of the February 3, 2024 Chair's Town Hall event can be viewed below. The slide deck for this event can be located here and the Q&A from community questions is located here. Thank you for everyone who joined us!