Verlea Briggs is a 2016 Volunteer Recognition Award winner "A true champion for the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC), Verlea Briggs has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2011. Among her many volunteer roles at RACC, she is currently most engaged in The Right Brain Initiative program, serving as both Development Committee Chairperson, and a dedicated member of the Governing Committee. Verlea has a keen knack for fund development. She has been instrumental in helping RACC to forge inroads into the business community, while simultaneously advising us on operational efficiencies. In addition to being a natural people connector, she has an infectious warmth that draws in everyone she meets. Verlea is an invaluable member of RACC’s extended family. Thank you for your service, Verlea."

– nominated by Eloise Damrosch/RACC