Departments, Divisions, and Offices

Displaying 1 - 25 of 42

Aging, Disability & Veterans Services

We help connect seniors, people with disabilities, and caregivers to resources, programs and services.

Animal Services Division

We are the primary agency sheltering stray animals in Multnomah County. We offer pet licensing, adoption, lost & found, abuse and neglect investigations, emergency response.

Assessment & Taxation

We provide information on property assessment, assessment history in Oregon, value appeals and more.

Budget Office

We prepare the annual budget and manage the budget process throughout the year. We provide accurate, understandable budget materials and resources for the Chair, Board, departments, and community.

Central Human Resources

We provide information on county jobs, employee classifications and compensation, labor agreements and personnel rules, training opportunities, employee benefits and wellness programs, and more.

Communications Office

We provide timely news and information for county residents and journalists.

County Attorney

We provide legal services for all county elected officials, officers and departments.

County Surveyor's Office

We provide access to public survey records; review surveys submitted by land surveyors; and help the public, county and local agencies with surveying expertise.

DCJ Adult Services Division

We hold adults on supervision accountable through a balance of supervision, services, and sanctions. We work closely with community members and partners using research and proven methods.

DCJ Juvenile Services Division

We provide community supervision and diversion services for high-risk youth, and operate the Donald E. Long Juvenile Detention Facility.

Department of Community Justice

We develop evidence-based practices to help those who are at-risk for committing a crime, accused of a crime, in detention, or on parole, and those who have been impacted by criminal behavior.

Department of Community Services

We provide accessible services for an inclusive community, including Animal Services, Elections, Land Use Planning and Transportation.

Department of County Assets

We manage technology, facilities, vehicles and records. We provide countywide services and support behind the scenes to ensure county programs serve residents effectively.

Department of County Human Services

We work to provide hope and a better quality of life for our community’s most vulnerable people.

Department of County Management

We provide corporate-level management of the County’s administrative infrastructure and support the organization and its departments in serving the people who live, work and do business in the County.

District Attorney's Office

We are responsible for prosecuting offenders who commit state criminal law violations committed in Multnomah County.

Domestic & Sexual Violence Coordination Office (DSVCO)

We help coordinate Domestic and Sexual violence intervention efforts in Multnomah County.

Employee Benefits Office

We administer Multnomah County's generous and comprehensive employee benefits program.

Evaluation and Research Unit

We provide high-quality, data-driven research and evaluation both countywide and for the Department of County Management.

Facilities and Property Management Division

We proactively and aggressively plan, maintain, operate and manage all County owned and leased properties in a safe, accessible and effective manner.


We oversee and enhance the fiscal and financial stability, accountability and integrity of Multnomah County.

Health Department

We work in partnership with our communities to promote and protect the health of all people in Multnomah County.

Information Technology Division

We are one of the most innovative government IT organizations in the nation. We are a dynamic organization aligning itself with emerging industry trends.

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

We provide individualized care coordination and planning to help eligible children and adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental disabilities.

Joint Office of Homeless Services

We coordinate local, state, and federal funding to address the homelessness crisis in Portland and Multnomah County through participant-driven, equity-based services.