Our diverse community library system supports 19 neighborhood libraries, 2 million books and other materials, nearly 900 computer search systems, and hundreds of engaging events.
We coordinate and support the efforts of local government to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human caused emergencies and disasters.
We provide government representation to advance Multnomah County’s objectives with the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, the Oregon State Legislature & state agencies.
We support the work of the COO, who oversees countywide operations and all departments. The COO also serves as the Department of County Management Director.
We support County operations with an uninterrupted flow of materials and services procured without prejudice, obtaining the maximum value for each dollar spent.
We provide guidance on risk exposure and loss control, manage the County's insurance program, and administer the County's self-insured programs in compliance with applicable laws and County code.
We proudly serve all of Multnomah County, providing corrections, law enforcement and civil services to the most populous county in the state of Oregon.