Welcome to Multnomah County

Multnomah County Board of Commissioners and former Oregon U.S. House Representative Earl Blumenauer (right) chatting prior to swearing in ceremony on Monday, Jan. 6, in Multnomah Building Boardroom. Board of Commissioners (left to right): Shannon Singleton, District 2; Chair Jessica Vega Pederson; Vince Jones-Dixon, District 4; Julia Brim-Edwards, District 3; Meghan Moyer, District 1.

Swearing in of three County Commissioners draws ‘most significant gathering of regional firepower’

A 2024 election cycle that ushered in nearly wholesale change to the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners was formalized Monday, Jan. 6, when Commissioners Meghan Moyer, Julia Brim-Edwards, and Vince Jones-Dixon each took a ceremonial oath to begin their four-year terms.