In June 2020, Auditor McGuirk initiated an audit of the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the broad impacts of the pandemic on people's lives and county operations, the audit is being carried out in phases. All reports related to the pandemic response audit will be posted here.

For the first phase of the audit, staff auditors are focused on three broad objectives:
  1. To determine what steps the county has taken to ensure that vital services can continue safely and equitably during the pandemic,
  2. To determine whether those steps are in line with CDC and other guidance to reduce health risks, and
  3. To determine what improvements can be made moving forward.

For each of these objectives, we are focused on assessing:
  • congregate settings (homeless shelters, jails/detention, and adult care homes)
  • overall countywide guidance and support to departments and employees
  • physical changes to buildings
  • support for teleworking to continue services

The audit team is assessing these areas through interviews, surveys, document reviews, data analysis, and extensive research.