About the Board of Commissioners Audit Committee
The Audit Committee of the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners serves as a liaison between the Board, the independent external auditor, and county management, as their duties relate to financial accounting, reporting, and internal controls and compliance. The Committee assists the Board in reviewing county accounting policies and reporting practices related to the county’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports.The Committee is the county’s agent in assuring the independence of the county’s external auditors, the integrity of management, and the adequacy of disclosures to the public.
The Audit Committee is established in chapter 3 of the County Code. As defined in County Code, the Audit Committee's work is focused on the county's annual financial reports. Also defined in County Code is the Auditor's Office's role to manage the county's contract with the external auditor and provide support to the Audit Committee. The Board of Commissioners Audit Committee does not advise the Auditor's Office.
The Committee is composed of the County Chair or their designee, one County Commissioner appointed by the Chair, one independent community member appointed by the Chair, four independent community members recommended by the County Auditor to the County Chair for appointment, the County Auditor (non-voting), and the County Chief Financial Officer (non-voting). Community members on the Audit Committee are appointed for three-year terms and can serve no more than two consecutive terms.
We are recruiting for the two open positions; apply through March 14 to serve on the committee. Please check submit your application here.
Current Members
Shani Harris-Bagwell, community member (2nd term: May 2023 - April 2026)
Annick Yagapen, community member (1st term: May 2022 - April 2025)
Jerry Walker, community member (1st term: May 2024 - April 2027)
Julia Brim-Edwards, County Commissioner District 3
Travis Graves, County's Interim Chief Operating Officer, County Chair designee
Jennifer McGuirk, County Auditor (non-voting)
Eric Arellano, County’s Chief Financial Officer (non-voting)
Jennifer McGuirk
Multnomah County Auditor