Community Engagement
Community engagement is a critical way we learn about issues people are having with their county government and ensure we are focusing our audit and investigative resources appropriately. We also get the chance to share with community members what we have learned and provide them with information they can use to help keep the county government accountable.
It is important that our office’s work reflects community needs and concerns. One way we ensure this is through the wisdom of the office’s Community Advisory Committee. This group provides input on the audit schedule, on the community engagement aspects of performance audits, and on integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in audit work.

In 2023 and 2024, my office hosted a College to County intern named Gelsi Tuz-Uxul. One of Gelsi’s projects was to create a resource guide that is an extension of my office’s commitment to serving the public interest – in this case, we are striving to provide information that you can use to access important services, obtain support, and enjoy our county.
You can contact my office if you need the support of the Ombudsperson, want to confidentially report something to the hotline, or have an idea for something my office should investigate or audit.