Jennifer McGuirk was sworn in for a second term as Multnomah County Auditor on Thursday, Jan. 5.
McGuirk, who was re-elected in May 2022, shared several of her first-term accomplishments as part of a short ceremony in the Boardroom.
Auditor Jennifer McGuirk speaks at her swearing in ceremony
Since McGuirk took office in 2019, the County Auditor’s Office conducted its first-ever audit of County jail conditions, audited the County’s COVID-19 response, increased follow-ups on audit recommendations, and investigated reports to the County’s Good Government Hotline. She also established the office’s first community advisory committee.
“I’m so grateful to my amazing team, who bounces ideas with me, who is so dedicated to serving the people of Multnomah County,” she said, “and who sees the good work that happens at the County every day, and also highlights ways we can do even better for the hundreds of thousands of people who live in our County.”
McGuirk has integrated an equity lens, primarily focused on racial equity, into the office’s work and has developed community engagement processes — also used across every project the office takes on. McGuirk secured funding to increase the size of the office by four auditors, bringing it into better alignment with the County Charter’s mandates to the Auditor. She oversees a staff of 12, including 10 staff auditors.
McGuirk also advocated for amendments to the County Charter to support government accountability. The Multnomah County Charter Review Committee brought two of McGuirk’s amendments before voters in November 2022: one to establish an ombudsperson in the Auditor’s Office and another to ensure the Auditor’s access to information. Both measures passed overwhelmingly.
“That advocacy for systemic change gives me hope,” she said. “It’s with that spirit of hope and a desire for continuous improvement that I embark on this second term, and I am honored and humble to do so for all of the people of Multnomah County.”