Multnomah County Medical Examiner identifies second suspected hypothermia death in January 2024 winter storm

Multnomah County, Ore. (Jan. 14, 2024) — The Multnomah County Medical Examiner’s Office on Sunday, Jan. 14, reported it is investigating a second suspected hypothermia death since a state of emergency was declared Jan. 12 amid dangerously cold temperatures.

Investigators say confirmation will not be complete for several weeks to months.

The death — a male found in the 97217 zip code — was reported in Portland on Saturday Jan. 13. No other details are being released at this time. The previous death reported in connection with this emergency was reported Friday, Jan. 12 — a male found in the 97232 zip code.

Both deaths are still considered suspected cases and are under investigation as potential cold-weather-related deaths. Further tests and investigation will determine whether the deaths are officially cold-weather-related. The County will update this information as it becomes available.

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