In my first budget cycle on the County Board, I introduced an amendment to fund the Homeless Outreach and Programs Engagement (HOPE) Team. As a pilot program, we started out with two deputies to assist vulnerable homeless populations in East Multnomah County daily and coordinate with service providers to ensure that the fundamental needs of homeless individuals were addressed versus taking a traditional law enforcement approach. I have continued to support this program and over the course of my tenure we have been able to build out a robust team that skillfully meets the needs of houseless residents as well as our East County contract cities.
I recognize the important role and services that the HOPE team provides to our houseless residents. But one single strategy is not enough to meet the emerging needs of the homeless crisis, which is why I have also supported increased funding and resources for our city and nonprofit partners and advocated for state and federal attention to the unique environment and needs in East County.
Joined by the East County mayors and their city managers, I have been able to build a closer relationship with our Joint Office of Homeless Services (JOHS) to build a stronger system of support for our cities. Every month, I meet with cities and HOPE team deputies to identify ways to improve our investments. This group has helped advocate for more navigation resources, contracts for non-profit partners doing work in East County, abatement services, and most recently a full time staff person dedicated to developing a coordinated vision and strategic investments for East County. After my term as the East County commissioner, I am confident this liaison partnership with our JOHS and the East County cities will continue.
One of the other accomplishments I’m proud of is an increased allocation of Business Income Tax (BIT) revenue and Supportive Housing Services (SHS) funding that has been dedicated to the development of a homeless services center in Gresham. We have acquired a building and are integrating this site into Multnomah County’s Shelter Strategy. This has been a multi-year effort and I look forward to seeing it come to fruition. I thank our city partners for their commitment and dedication to this important work.
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Focusing on East County Homelessness
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