Mission of Supervision Program

The mission is achieved by bringing to bear the full compliment of resources, to contain & reintegrate persons convicted of sex crimes & who have been released to the community.

Individual convicted of a sex offense or crime Supervision Program

The mission is achieved by bringing to bear the full compliment of resources, which have been shown to be effective, to contain and reintegrate persons convicted of sex crimes and who have been released to the community.

The tools utilized to achieve these goals include:

  • A thorough assessment of the risk to the community based on actuarial risk assessments and a review of the specific details of the crime of conviction, prior criminal activity including convictions and admissions, attitudes and actions taken by the individual which reflect an understanding of the impact of the crime on the victim and the community, and a willingness to change behavior and accept accountability for prior actions.
  • The development of a plan for notification of appropriate persons in the community in which the adult under supervision will be residing. Such notification may, depending on the unique circumstances of each case, include the individuals with whom the justice involved individual plans to live, persons residing in close proximity to the justice involved individual, neighborhood organizations, schools, churches and police precincts.
  • Surveillance and visits to the individuals' home to assure compliance with the conditions of supervision. Such home contacts may include searches for evidence of new criminal activities and activities which are known to increase the likelihood of sexual crimes.
  • Contact with the individuals' neighbors, acquaintances, family members, victims, and employers to assess compliance with the conditions of supervision and evidence of progress or regression in the individuals' attitude towards positive change. A primary focus is the individuals' compliance with the "no contact" provisions (minors, victims or specified others) included in the conditions of supervision.
  • Reporting by the justice involved individual to the parole/probation office to assess compliance with the conditions of supervision and progress toward completion of specific activities mandated by the Court or Parole Board.
  • The imposition of appropriate sanctions for any failure to comply with the conditions of supervision or evidence of inappropriate sexual arousal behaviors. These sanctions can include but are not limited to increased reporting, community service, short-term jail sentences, and when appropriate, revocation of community supervision.
  • An assessment by an approved sex offense treatment provider of an appropriate course of sex offense treatment and full and active participation in the prescribed course of treatment until all treatment goals are achieved. These goals are specific to the adult under supervisions' sexual arousal and knowledge, emotional regulation, social relationships, personal risk factors/re-offense prevention and life skills.
  • The development of detailed risk and relapse prevention plans through the collaborative efforts of the treatment provider, parole/probation officer, and individuals approved to monitor the individuals' behaviors in the community. Such plans provide strict guidelines for any interaction between the individual and victims or potential victims with the priority centered on protecting the community and ensuring the safety of the victim.
  • Polygraph examinations to verify compliance with supervision conditions and to verify the individuals' sexual history for treatment purposes.
  • Monitor compliance with imposed condition to be financially responsible for counseling, therapy and medical costs of the victim/family when so ordered.
  • Where appropriate and at the sole discretion of the victim(s) of the justice involved individual, facilitate clarification. (Facilitate clarification of what and for whom? This bullet doesn't make sense to me.)
  • Monitor individual convicted of a sex offense or crime registration through Oregon State Police.
Last reviewed July 8, 2024