Crossover Youth Practice Model striving for improved outcomes for youth

Since 2009, Multnomah County Department of Community Justice has collaborated with the Oregon’s Department of Human Services in The Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM). This is an effort through Georgetown University’s Center for Juvenile Justice Reform to improve outcomes for youth concurrently involved in both the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. The Model requires both agencies to communicate promptly and effectively about these cases. Some of the goals include reducing out of home placements and disproportionate representation of children of color while increasing family and youth voice in decision making.

Abbey Stamp, Multnomah County Juvenile Court Improvement Coordinator, says “I know we are being successful since I’ve seen increased communication, collaboration and problem solving between the two agencies which is beneficial for the clients we serve.” Stamp also noted, “Since the program began, we’ve identified over 200 Crossover youth. At any given time 50-60 youth are actively involved with CYPM and we identify approximately 5-10 new CYPM youth per month.” DHS District Manager, Jerry Burns, participates in regular CYPM meetings. He noted that this initiative is critical “…to remind us of the importance of good, clear communication between DHS and DCJ.” He added “…it's been helpful to have CYPM assist us in our efforts to improve our work with children and families."

CYPM participated in a day-long event on December 19, 2012. Attendees included Georgetown CJJR Executive Director, Shay Bilchick, staff from CYPM sites in Los Angeles, CA and Toledo, Ohio as well as staff from Clackamas, Washington and Marion County, Oregon. This was in addition to local DHS, JSD, Court and community partners.