DCJ’s Erika Preuitt elected APPA Secretary

Multnomah County Department of Community Justice (DCJ) District Manager, Erika Preuitt, was recently elected as Secretary to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA). She will serve a two year term. She has served as an APPA regional at-large member the past 4 years. Erika has served as track chair of several APPA training institutes helping coordinate workshops in the areas of diversity, gender, leadership/management and offender programs. She has also participated on multiple program committees for APPA conferences around the country. A member of the inaugural APPA Synergistic Leadership Institute, Erika prides herself on continuously making efforts to reach out to members and non-members to get input on the future growth of APPA.

Much of her efforts with APPA also involved ensuring the Association stays on the cutting edge of the community corrections field by maintaining focus on technology, disproportionate minority contact, secondary stress, vicarious trauma and creating a healthy work place.

When asked about her role at APPA and DCJ Preuitt stated, "I'm honored to serve as APPA Secretary and look forward to expanding the representation and involvement of members within the organization. Our work at DCJ and APPA has given me many opportunities to work towards better ways to serve clients in the most efficient ways possible."

As a DCJ senior manager, Erika is responsible for a district that serves gang members, 18-25 year old offenders exiting prison and jail, female offenders, African American male and females coming out of the prison system, families and drug addicted offenders. Erika also manages Accountability and Community Service, Day Reporting Center (DRC) and the Londer Learning Center. Congratulations to Erika for being elected as APPA Secretary and her dedicated work in the field.