DCJ present at Six National Night Out celebrations

Once again, Department of Community Justice (DCJ) staff participated in National Night Out (NNO) events around the Portland and Gresham. DCJ had a presence at events hosted at the South Park Blocks, Holladay Park, Peninsula Park, McCoy Park, and Old Town in Portland and Parklane Park in Gresham.

NNO events are held across the country and spotlight crime prevention programs and agencies. It presents a great opportunity for the public to meet our staff and get a better understanding of the role that DCJ plays in their communities.

At this year’s events, DCJ staff roamed the parks giving out bubbles, glow sticks and safety stickers/badges to children of all ages. At some parks, kids got to sit in the back of one of cage cars. Staff also shared information about employment and volunteer opportunities across the department. Autographs were even given out.  Parole/Probation Officer (PPO) Byron Brown was asked for his autograph by a little girl since his picture was on the DCJ flyers.

In addition to visits from community safety officials, the celebrations included live music and performances, food, movies, booths from community organizations, giveaways and much more. Thanks to all DCJ staff for your willingness to participate in this great community event!

photo of DCJ probation parole officer at National Night Out 2014
photo of DCJ staff signing a card