DCJ swears in nine parole and probation officers.

On December 10th, nine Parole and Probation Officers (PPOs) were sworn in by the Honorable Nan Waller in Multnomah County’s board room.

DCJ Director Scott Taylor, Deputy Director Truls Neal, Assistant Director Erika Preuitt, and the District Managers were there to welcome the PPOs and give them words of encouragement and wisdom. Family, friends, and colleagues were in attendance and heard the announcement that DCJ will begin a Family and Friends Orientation. The orientation is intended to help loved ones understand the challenges, successes, and practices of PPOs.

The newly sworn in PPOs are:

Jennifer Combs
Holly Fischer
Amie Garrett
Laura Hastings
Amy Kane
Melanie McManus
Brianne Murphy
Brandon Taylor
Nathaniel Werner

DCJ proudly welcomes these new officers to our ranks.

Probation and parole officers being sworn in by Judge Nan Waller