Family Services Unit Shares Holiday "magic" for Families

On December 20th, 2011 the Family Services Unit held its Annual Winter Holiday Party for clients. Every year, this event allows parents who might otherwise be unable to afford gifts to pick out new gifts for their children. Wrapping paper, ribbons and tape was provided so parents could not only pick out the gifts, but also wrap the gifts and label them for their children.

The Winter Holiday Party included not only gifts, but games, candy, snacks and movies to entertain. Harold Niblack, FSU’s Correction Technician, had a wonderful time playing hoops with the children. For each basket made with the tiny basketball, a candy cane was handed out. Of course, even a good try earned the tiniest little elf a candy cane.

PPO Barb Fletcher manned the gift table and assisted the parents in picking out wonderful gifts for their children. PPO Brian Holt dressed as Santa Clause, red suit and all. A good time was had by all as witnessed by the many children (and adults!) who sat on Santa’s lap for pictures. All in all, approximately 30-35 parents and 50 children celebrated the season at our Winter Holiday Party.

The entire FSU staff contributed time, energy and love to make this event happen. Each PPO referred up to five families from his or her caseload and, during the event, actively spent time connecting with clients and their families.

FSU would like to thank the Mead CentralBuilding 6th floor, the Londer Learning Center, and the Day Reporting Center staff for contributing time and toys for our families. Our sincere gratitude goes out to those folks who donated anonymous gifts. A hardy thank you to Cathryn Heron for promoting, organizing and coordinating the donations. We’d also like to thank Thane King for help with the shopping and Brenda Hair for help with the decorations.