National Spotlight on Multnomah County Juvenile Detention Initiative

This month, Nebraska State Senator Brad Ashford and his colleagues will be traveling to Multnomah County to tour the Donald E. Long Juvenile Detention Home operated by the Department of Community Justice (DCJ). During their two-day stay, visitors will hear firsthand about Multnomah County’s approach to decreasing costs, encouraging efficiency, and promoting public safety. .

In 2011 alone, DCJ hosted approximately 297 visitors including judges, prosecutors, police officers, community agencies, public defenders, child welfare workers, county commissioners, policy analysts, and senators. “It is exciting to discuss these new reform trends with visitors who are struggling with their own system challenges,” shares Tina Edge, System Reform Specialist, who helps coordinate these visits.

In 1994, Multnomah County adapted the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) Model. Multnomah County’s juvenile justice system decreased the juvenile arrest rate by 53% between 1994 and 2007. Reforms are also credited with saving Multnomah County taxpayers about $7.5 million dollars in the past decade.

Multnomah County was highlighted in a recent publication by the National Association of Counties on juvenile detention reform. View the entire report.

If you are interested in arranging a site visit, please use this link: /dcj-juvenile/jdai-visit