Multnomah County Employees of Color (MCEOC)

Multnomah County Employees of Color is open to all Multnomah County employees, however, our primary focus is "employees of color" and our desire to have a peaceable and equitable working environment.

EOC Logo
Multnomah County Employees of Color (MCEOC) is open to all Multnomah County employees, however, our primary focus is "employees of color" and our desire to have a peaceable and equitable working environment. EOC works at educating employees about various cultures as well as resolving conflict within the organization as it relates to diversity. This creates an empathetic atmosphere which allows us to better serve our consumers.

Fourth Thursday of each month, 10 am to 12 pm

If you are a MultCo Employee please see the Office of Diversity and Equity's Events Calender on the MultcoCommons for location details.

MCEOC Executive Committee

Chair: Zumana Rahman

Co-Chair: Mawadda Amboun

Co-Chair: Alexander Nevison

Co-Chair: James McKenzie

Co-Chair: Shawn Masten

Treasurer: Marsha Hayes

Secretary: Darline Hill

Events Chair: Lanel Jackson

Executive Coordinator: Shelley Ashford

Communications Chair: Skylar Holt

County Employees use this form to become a member of EOC.


Please email

Last reviewed August 13, 2024