Wood Smoke Ordinance Public Hearing

Second Public Hearing on proposed Wood Smoke Ordinance


Thursday, November 16, 2017
6:30 pm

Event description

Wood Smoke Ordinance

Community Hearings Hosted by Multnomah CountyCommissioners Jessica Vega Pederson and Sharon Meieran

Wood smoke is a health hazard during the winter, particularly during certain weather conditions called inversions, which trap smoke from household or other fires creating smoky, hazy conditions. This smoke has been shown to contribute to heart and lung disease, respiratory distress and low birth weight.

Multnomah County is considering a draft ordinance to reduce harmful wood smoke when theproblem is most severe. The draft proposal is similar to the policies adopted in other counties and apply only when inversion events create unhealthy air conditions – on average 3 to 5 times per year.

This is the second of three public hearings the County is holding on the proposed ordinance. We welcome your feedback at the events and/or online.