Adult Care Home Program Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is intended to foster and maintain a respectful and inclusive work relationship between Multnomah County Department of Human Services Adult Care Home Program (ACHP) staff and the providers to guide us in the shared work of supporting residents. The ACHP values ethical, equitable, fair and transparent interactions and our values guide the development of our policies and procedures and support professional relationships. The ACHP is invested in the success of the adult care home providers and understands that we all benefit when providers are successful.
ACHP Staff Will:
1. Apply Multnomah County Administrative Rules (MCARs) consistently and fairly according to agency procedures and provide in writing technical assistance, the rule and any corrections. Staff will also provide the reason or rationale for all required actions. Consistent application of the rules prevents actual or perceived bias or discrimination.
2. Treat providers with respect and courtesy by assuming good intent, and acknowledging their strengths and expertise. ACHP staff will actively listen, provide a timely response to questions or concerns (within 3 business days), and communicate clearly in writing about the processes, procedures and expectations. ACHP includes providers in the development of rules, and promotes understanding the requirements so providers feel competent and successful.
3. Collaborate with providers to develop and improve the rules and ACHP services by offering both informal and formal opportunities for feedback. Creating opportunities for providers to offer feedback allows the ACHP to respond to provider concerns, needs and changes within the profession.
4. Act with personal and professional integrity, which includes avoiding actual and perceived conflicts of interest. This includes meeting Multnomah County Employee Standards. ACHP will notify providers in writing of their rights and ensure that they have been given the Provider Bill of Rights. The ACHP recognizes the importance of holding its staff accountable for behaving in a respectful, professional, ethical and fair manner in order to build trust and positive working relationships with providers.
5. Provide opportunities for professional development in order to support providers in meeting our shared goals of delivering person-centered care and enhancing the quality of life of residents living in adult care homes.