Audit of living conditions for clients of county-funded housing services

Learn more about the living conditions audit.

In the summer of 2021, our office initiated an audit of living conditions for clients of county-funded housing services, primarily focused on the health and safety of housing for those the Joint Office of Homeless Services placed into permanent housing.

But by December 2021, we determined that the data we needed were not reliable for our audit purposes. We would be unable to draw reliable conclusions and extend findings to the larger population. For this reason, we ended the audit. During the audit, my office identified that the Joint Office has reported the date an individual became enrolled in a permanent housing program as the date the person entered permanent housing. These are not necessarily the same thing. We are initiating a different audit focused on the Joint Office's information systems. Read the memorandum below for more information. 

Chair Deborah Kafoury and Joint Office Director Marc Jolin provided the following responses to our memorandum.

Last reviewed December 2, 2021