The sunflower is Ukraine’s national flower. Image from FreeImages
Dear friends and neighbors,
Earlier this month, a friend of mine told me something one of her kids had said: I wish we weren’t living in historic times. With Russia’s recent invasion into Ukraine, ongoing brutal conflicts in other parts of the world, COVID-19’s continuing impacts, and the ongoing struggle to ensure that Black Lives Matter, I really understand that feeling.
But February reminds me that all times are historic, and that the power of this historic time lies not just in what is happening, but in the illumination of previously hidden truths. Maybe our stories or the stories of our loved ones or ancestors have not typically been in history books because they were outside the White dominant narrative. As Black History Month, February gives us all an opportunity to search out some of those stories, to learn about African American people past and present and the richness of their experiences and contributions. This month has been a great reminder of how powerful it is to uncover what is hidden and bring it into view so we can learn from past wrongs, gain inspiration from past achievements, and build courage to keep working toward a world in which each person is valued for who they are.
The power of illumination means a lot to me as your Auditor. My team and I are privileged to hear the stories of county employees and community members every day as we conduct audits that shine a light on how the county operates. Our reports reflect information gleaned from those conversations, as well as from data analysis, document review, and other audit steps. This month, we issued four reports: follow-ups on recommendations from our 2019 audit of primary care clinics and our February 2021 audit of the county’s pandemic response, our annual report on the Good Government Hotline, and an audit of the county’s overall financial condition, which provides a 10-year look at historical trends, including impacts and recovery from the Great Recession of 2008/2009 and pandemic impacts.
It is our pleasure to do this work on your behalf.
Thank you,
I'll be at the Government Accountability Subcommittee's March 3 Meeting
The Multnomah County Charter Review Committee (MCCRC) is working through four subcommittees to review and recommend amendments to the County Charter. I am excited to meet with the Government Accountability Subcommittee on Thursday, March 3, starting at 5:30 p.m., to talk about proposed amendments to the Auditor section of the County Charter. For details on how to attend this meeting, or any other MCCRC meeting, check out this page.
County volunteer opportunity
At the request of the Office of Community Involvement, I am sharing the following information about an opportunity to serve the county:
Do you care about community involvement in County decision-making? Do you want to help reduce barriers to civic participation? Do you enjoy working with a diverse group to identify common goals that benefit the community? If so, apply to join the County's Community Involvement Committee (CIC).
The CIC serves as Multnomah County’s advisory body on community engagement and involvement. CIC members engage in an ongoing review of the County's community involvement policies and programs, bring community concerns to County leadership, and assist in facilitating communication between the County and the community.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, March 9th at 11:59pm. To receive assistance completing your application or for any questions, contact the Office of Community Involvement at or 503-988-3450.
Complete list of current Multnomah County vaccination clinics, along with information about who is eligible (everyone!), accessing support for language access and for seniors, and information about the vaccination process.
If you would like information on how to stay healthy, slow the spread of the virus, or how to report any issues, please visit /novel-coronavirus-covid-19.
Unfortunately, some communities have experienced acts of racism and xenophobia because of the myths surrounding COVID-19; this county site has information about how to report discrimination and find support.