Cormac Burke

Cormac is a volunteer with Office of Citizen Involvement and winner of a 2015 Volunteer Recognition Award.

Cormac Burke
Cormac Burke with Commissioner Jules Bailey (right)

“Cormac Burke is the director of engineering for a small Software company in Lake Oswego. He has been working in technology in the Portland area since the early 90s, and it was the IT/technology side of the Department of County Management/Department of County Assets Citizen Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) that led him to volunteering to become part of the CBAC.

Since joining the CBAC, Cormac has enjoyed learning about the breadth of functions within the county, and has come to greatly appreciate the complexities and challenges facing the staff and county commissioners  Cormac has found the participation on the CBAC to be an interesting and satisfying experience, and he hopes that the part he plays in reviewing and providing input has been helpful in the county budgeting and decision making process.”

—  Lisa Whedon, Department of County Assets

Last reviewed November 18, 2024