Countywide Regular Employee Separation Rates

Countywide Regular Employee Separation Rates

Countywide Regular Employee Separation Rates, Voluntary Separations (5.0% in FY 2020; 5.0% in FY 2021; 7.3% in FY 2022), Retirement (3.3% in FY 2020; 3.1% in FY 2021; 2.7% in FY 2022)
Countywide Regular Employee Separation Rates, FY 2020 - FY 2022

A line graph with fiscal year 2020 (N = 5306), 2021 (N = 5230), and 2022 (N = 5465) on the x-axis, and separation type of regular employees on the y-axis.

In fiscal year 2020, voluntary separations (5%), involuntary separations (0.5%), no fault separations (0.4%), and Retirement (3.3%).

In fiscal year 2021, voluntary separations (5%), involuntary separations (0.5%), no fault separations (0.3%), and Retirement (3.1%).

In fiscal year 2022, voluntary separations (5%), involuntary separations (0.5%), no fault separations (0.3%), and Retirement (3.1%).

Last reviewed June 22, 2023