Current & proposed Commissioner district boundaries

Read the current and proposed boundaries for Commissioner districts.

On this page you can read the current boundaries for County Commissioner districts, as written in the County Charter. You can also read the boundaries between Commissioner districts, as proposed by the County Auditor.

Current Commissioner district boundaries

Proposed Commissioner district boundaries

Current Commissioner district boundaries

District 1

Bounded on the north by Columbia County; bounded on the east as follows: Washington State line at the Columbia River, south to Willamette River, south on the Willamette River to the Union Pacific Railroad at the Steel Bridge, east on the Union Pacific Railroad parallel to the Banfield Freeway (I-84) to 33rd Avenue, south on 33rd Avenue becoming 32nd Avenue to Stark Street, east on Stark Street to 33rd Avenue, south on 33rd Avenue to Salmon Street, east on Salmon Street to 39th Avenue, south on 39th Avenue and its extension to the Portland Traction Railroad right-of-way (40 Mile Loop Trail), southeast on the Portland Traction Railroad right-of-way to Clackamas County line; bounded on the south by Clackamas County; and bounded on the west by Washington County.

District 2

Bounded on the north by the Washington State line at the Columbia River; bounded on the east and south as follows: beginning at the Washington State line and the Columbia river at a point west of Government Island (coinciding with the northwestern boundary of census tract 102), southeast along the south channel of the Columbia River to I-205, south on I-205 to Sandy Boulevard, northeast and east on Sandy Boulevard to 122nd Avenue, south on 122nd Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad, west along the Union Pacific Railroad parallel to the Banfield Freeway(I-84) to the Willamette River at the Steel Bridge; bounded on the west by the Willamette River.

District 3

Bounded on the north and east as follows: beginning at the intersection of 33rd Avenue and the Union Pacific Railroad at the Banfield Freeway (I-84), east along the Union Pacific Railroad parallel to the Banfield Freeway (I-84), to 148th Avenue, south on 148th Avenue to Powell Boulevard, west on Powell Boulevard to 130th Avenue, south on 130th Avenue to Holgate Boulevard, west on Holgate Boulevard to 122nd Avenue, south on 122nd Avenue to Ramona Street, east on Ramona Street to 136th Avenue, south on 136th Avenue to Foster Road, west on Foster Road to 134th Avenue, south on 134th Avenue to Deardorff Road, south on Deardorff Road to the Clackamas County line; bounded on the south by Clackamas County; bounded on the west as follows: beginning at the Clackamas County line and the Portland Traction Railroad right-of-way (40 Mile Loop Trail) near Johnson Creek Boulevard and 45th Place, northwest along the Portland Traction Railroad right-of-way to the extension of 39th Avenue and 39th Avenue continuing north on 39th Avenue to Salmon Street, west on Salmon Street to 33rd Avenue, north on 33rd Avenue to Stark Street, west on Stark Street to 32nd Avenue, north on 32nd Avenue becoming 33rd Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad parallel to the Banfield Freeway (I-84).

District 4

Bounded on the north at the Washington State line and the Columbia River; bounded on the east by Hood River County; bounded on the south by Clackamas County; and bounded on the west as follows: beginning at the intersection of the Clackamas County Line and Deardorff Rd., north on Deardorff Rd. to 134th Avenue, north on 134th Avenue to Foster Rd., east on Foster Rd. to 136th Avenue, north on 136th Avenue to Ramona Street, west on Ramona Street to 122nd Avenue, north on 122nd Avenue to Holgate Boulevard, east on Holgate Boulevard to 130th Avenue, north on 130th Avenue to Powell Boulevard, east on Powell Boulevard to 148th Avenue, north on 148th Avenue to the Union Pacific R.R. parallel to the Banfield Freeway (I-84), west along the Union Pacific R.R. parallel to the Banfield Freeway (I-84) to 122nd Avenue, north on 122nd Avenue to Sandy Boulevard, west and southwest on Sandy Boulevard to I-205 Freeway north on I-205 Freeway to the south channel of the Columbia River, northwest along the south channel of the Columbia River to the Washington State line at a point west of Government Island.

Proposed Commissioner district boundaries

Proposed boundary between districts 1 & 2

  • The boundary between districts 1 and 2 follows the existing boundary, using Interstate 84 west of 33rd Avenue to the Steel Bridge and then following the Willamette River north.
  • The District 1 western and southern boundaries are the county lines.

Proposed boundary between districts 1 & 3

  • Follows 33rd Avenue south from Interstate 84; around Northeast Oregon Street 33rd Avenue becomes 32nd Avenue. Follows 32nd Avenue to Southeast Stark Street.
  • Follows 34th Avenue south from Southeast Stark Street to Southeast Division Street
  • Follows 33rd Avenue south from Southeast Division Street to State Road 26
  • Follows 34th Avenue south from State Road 26 to Southeast Holgate Boulevard
  • Follows 30th Avenue from Southeast Holgate Boulevard to Southeast Steele Street
  • Follows Southeast 26th Avenue from Southeast Steele Street to Southeast Reedway Street
  • Follows Southeast Reedway Street west to BNSF railroad tracks
  • Follows the BNSF railroad tracks to Southeast Sherrett Street
  • Follows the existing boundary west on Southeast Sherrett Street to Southeast 23rd Avenue then south to Southeast Ochoco Street and then west to the Willamette River.

Proposed boundary between districts 2 & 3

  • The District 2 northern boundary is the Columbia River.
  • Follows Interstate 84 east from Northeast 33rd Avenue to Northeast 44th Avenue
  • Follows Northeast 44th Avenue south from Interstate 84 to Northeast Glisan Street
  • Follows Northeast Glisan Street east from Northeast 44th Avenue to Northeast 52nd Avenue
  • Follows Northeast 52nd Avenue south from Northeast Glisan to East Burnside Street
  • Follows East Burnside Street east from Northeast 52nd Avenue to Northeast 61st Avenue
  • Follows Northeast 61st Avenue north from East Burnside Street to Northeast Glisan Street
  • Follows Northeast Glisan east from Northeast 61st Avenue to Northeast 67th Avenue
  • Follows Northeast 67th Avenue; at around Northeast Hassalo Street 67th Ave becomes Northeast 68 Avenue, follows Northeast 68th Avenue north to the Interstate 84 Northeast Halsey Street Exit ramp
  • Follows the Halsey Street Exit ramp east to Northeast 69th Avenue.
  • Follows Northeast 69th Avenue south from the Halsey Street Exit ramp to Northeast Clackamas Street
  • Follows Northeast Clackamas Street east from Northeast 69th Avenue to Northeast 82nd Avenue
  • Follows Northeast 82nd Avenue north from Northeast Clackamas Street to Interstate 84
  • Follows Interstate 84 east from Northeast 82nd Avenue to Northeast 148th Avenue

Proposed boundary between districts 2 & 4

  • Follows Northeast 148th Street from Interstate 84 to the Columbia River.

Proposed boundary between districts 3 & 4

  • The boundary is essentially unchanged following 148th Street from Interstate 84 to State Highway 26 and then west on State Highway 26 to Southeast 130th Avenue and then south on Southeast 130th Avenue to Southeast Holgate Boulevard
  • The proposed boundary then follows Southeast Holgate Boulevard west from Southeast 130th Street to Southeast 122nd Street
  • It then follows Southeast 122nd Avenue south from Southeast Holgate Boulevard to Southeast Foster Road
  • It then follows the existing boundary south on 122nd Avenue to Southeast Foster Road to Southeast 131st Street south to Southeast Claybourne Street then east to Southeast 134th Avenue which becomes Southeast Deardorff Road and follows Southeast Deardorff Road to the county line.
  • The District 3 southern boundary is the county line.

Proposed boundaries for district 4

  • The District 4 northern boundary is the Columbia River.
  • The District 4 east boundary is the county line.
  • The District 4 southern boundary is the county line.
Last reviewed December 14, 2021