Domestic Violence Unit - Frequently Asked Questions

Domestic Violence Unit - Frequently Asked Questions

Who is my Parole-Probation Officer (PPO), and how do I contact them?

Use the PPO Look-up Tool

Call or visit a DCJ office

Where do I report to my Parole-Probation Officer (PPO)?

All individuals assigned to the Domestic Violence Unit report to the ASD West Campus: 421 SW 5th Ave., Portland OR 97204.

What are conditions of supervision?

While the specific conditions of supervision may vary from case to case, there is a group of standard conditions which apply to almost every adult on supervision. In addition, special conditions of probation may be imposed by the court, or post prison review board in response to the individual's risk to the community or his/her rehabilitative needs.

How do I turn myself in?

There are three (3) ways to turn yourself in:

  • Call your PPO and come up with a plan together
  • Come into the DCJ field office where you normally report
  • Check in at the front desk of any police station within Multnomah County

How do I know when I'm done with supervision?

Ask your PPO or call any DCJ field office. They will be able to tell you the status of your supervision. See the list of DCJ locations and phone numbers.

What do I do if I think someone is violating the conditions of their supervision?

Contact the individual's PPO directly. You may also call or visit any DCJ field office. See the list of DCJ locations and phone numbers.

What is the Family Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA)?

The law that authorizes courts to issue protective orders (a special type of restraining order) when there has been violence or other forms of abuse within a family. FAPA orders may include orders for custody and parenting plans. It is a civil protection that can be modified, dismissed, or renewed once the order has been granted. The order may also be contested by the respondent (abuser) in the following ways:

  • A hearing within 30 days following initial service of the restraining order on objections to the order or its specific provisions;
  • An “exceptional circumstances” hearing to determine temporary custody and resolve other contested issues.
  • A hearing at any time that the restraining order remains in effect, regarding modification of child custody or parenting time issues, or both, similar to any other show cause hearing on those issues.
  • A hearing to challenge the basis for renewal of an order.

Violations of a restraining order require mandatory arrest and are considered contempt of court and subject to punitive sanctions under ORS 33.015(3).

What is a probation or post-prison supervision no contact order?

Persons on probation, post-prison supervision, and Interstate Compact supervision are frequently subject to "no contact" orders authorized by the adjudicating authority. "No contact" orders frequently prohibit persons on supervision from having contact with their crime victim, the victims family, and prohibits the person on supervision from being in proximity to the crime victim's work, school or residence. While a "no contact" order has features that are similar to a FAPA order they are different, and have separate processes for adjudication. Violations of a "no contact" order are addressed as violations of supervision conditions and cannot be charged as new criminal acts, unless they are in conjunction with a FAPA order. Consequences for violations of probation or post-prison supervision orders fall under the purview of the issuing authority and may or may not result in the arrest of the person who violates it.

Who are the DV Unit Partners?

The Domestic Violence Unit is a component of Multnomah County coordinated community response model. The unit collaborates with district attorney's offices, law enforcement agencies, Multnomah County Family Law Court, service providers, community based victim advocates and community groups. The goal of the unit is to end the cycle of abuse through a targeted approach of domestic violence intervention, supervision, sanctions and services. The Domestic Violence Unit considers abuse to be: behaviors including, but not limited to, emotional, psychological, sexual and physical abuse.

Last reviewed November 7, 2022