Economic Impact Considerations for Personal Services

Economic Impact:The pursuit to create full and equal access to opportunities for all people that enable them to attain their full potential.

Multnomah County is seeking to do business with personal service organizations that practice the triple bottom line of sustainability in their business operations and service delivery. How business operation decisions are just as critical as how service delivery is conducted. We are looking for organizations that strive to create opportunities for all people to attain their full potential, while paying particular attention to developing income and wealth in communities most affected by inequities. We are looking to see how organizations empower the local community with economic impacts such as job creation, retention, skills training, business development and support to name a few.

Here are some additional tools.

Multnomah County's Equity and Empowerment Lens.

King County's Tools and resources.

Proposers will need to answer economic impact questions like the examples we are providing below.

  • Please describe how your service delivery has positive economic impacts for the communities you are serving? We are looking to see how service delivery will help the client and community have positive economic impacts.
  • How do these sustainable innovations that focus on economic impact go beyond industry best practices? Please provide specific examples and demonstrate how you will deliver and track these innovations.
  • Proposer delivers service in a sustainable manner by providing positive economic impacts for the community it is serving? We are looking to support business that has positive economic impacts for a community by providing meaning jobs or job training, but also assisting in building a business community where services are being delivered.
  • Workplace Improvement through policy and procedure review, updating, and creation. Please describe how employee are part of Quality Improvement of business practices. Please describe how you have an open and collaborative workplace culture which improves economic impacts.
  • Please include details of job creation and length of the positions (permanent & temporary), skills training, and goods and services purchases locally for a positive impact on economy. We are looking to see if organizations help their employees, clients, and community have a positive impact through job creation, skills training with an emphasis on long term positions. Details on mentorships and internship programs are encouraged.
  • Please describe your offer employee engagement opportunities? Proposer to tell us how projects move forward with employee engagement from the planning to the flexibility of a project needing to change to accommodate needs.
  • How does your agency improve economic impact by incorporating equity values, manage diversity and systematically involve consumers, families and communities in all aspects of policy and service delivery? Proposer to demonstrate how equity means providing assistance for individuals in the community they are providing service even on a limited duration. We want to see how community is involved with decisions on how a project moves forward or how flexible a project can be if an issue arises.
  • What are the impacts on the environment, equity, and economy of the service provider’s delivery of service? Proposer demonstrates how the triple bottom line of sustainability which is environment, equity, and economy is improves the communities where they have provided service.
  • Please describe how do you accommodate your employees to ensure they succeed? We want to see metrics on employee retention to see how each employee has the opportunity to learn on the job. Please describe how you prevent exclusionary practices and promote a healthy and respectful workplace.
Last reviewed May 26, 2021