Economic Justice
The big question / How might we...?
How might we address racial wealth gaps, asset building and economic stability, while also addressing white supremacy culture in Multnomah County’s current policies? What are effective approaches to removing barriers, focusing on upstream intervention, and centering racial justice and equity as means to supporting economic stability, build financial assets, and grow generational wealth?
Type (project or consultation):
Project: Report (Discussion Guide), Community Discussion
October 2022 to June 2024
Process/what we did:
The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners has funded a one-time-only initiative to create a blueprint for action to guide future economic justice policy and investment.
Through the Economic Justice Project, the MIL is identifying innovative and comprehensive approaches that support economic stability, build financial assets and grow generational wealth by removing barriers; focusing on upstream intervention; and centering racial justice and equity.
The MIL is developing a framework of economic justice that includes, but is not limited to, the concepts of economic liberation, mobility, stability and survival. When complete, this framework will be used to create a blueprint for economic justice for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) families and communities in Multnomah County.
The MIL will work with a group of local culturally specific organizations to identify a group of community members who will be asked to review, then discuss, analyze, engage with, and further collaborate, on the economic justice blueprint. The MIL will conduct community-verified research, coordinate design processes meant to educate and engage with a wide variety of community members, and produce a final report with strategic and innovative recommendations.
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