George Hocker

George is a volunteer with Elders in Action and winner of a 2015 Volunteer Recognition Award.

George Hocker
George Hocker

“George Hocker has served as Commissioner Fish’s Public Advocate for more than six years. He has acted as the liaison to the Disability Commission; Elders in Action; the Small Business

Advisory Council; the Northwest Oregon Labor Council; Age Friendly Cities Advisory Council; Faith Community; and a variety of other community groups. George has more than  thirty years of federal government experience with significant time spent in Africa, South America, and the South Pacific.

He has worked in diversity management consulting, and recently served as an administrative pastor in the faith community. His tireless commitment to public service and advocacy is admired by everyone he works with. Elders in Action has benefited enormously from George’s counsel over the years and has deeply appreciated his skill in diplomacy and open communication.”

— JoAnn Herrigel of Elders in Action
Last reviewed November 18, 2024