Jessica Vega Pederson serves as the Chair of Multnomah County. Vega Pederson was raised in Northwest Indiana and moved to Portland in the 1990s. A former technology professional, she graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a degree in Informational Systems Management and Philosophy.
Before her elections to the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners and the role of Multnomah County Chair, Vega Pederson served as a state representative in the Oregon legislature where she was the first Latina elected to the House. In the legislature, Vega Pederson fought for issues impacting working families such as paid sick time and pay equity to improve the lives of working Oregonians. As chair of the House Energy and Environment committee she championed the renewal of the Clean Fuels Program and passage of a bill to remove coal from Oregon's energy mix.
As County Commissioner for District 3, Vega Pederson chaired the Preschool for All Task Force and spearheaded the effort to build a quality, universal preschool in Multnomah County and fought for its passage on the November 2020 ballot. She also represented the County at various regional transportation tables and championed the County’s efforts to combat climate change and build a just renewable energy economy. As Chair of Multnomah County, she works across multiple jurisdictions and communities to help set the County’s strategic policy directions and priorities.
She lives in Portland with her husband and two children.