Medicaid Match for Supportive Housing
The big question / How might we...?
What is the feasibility of drawing down Medicaid match funds to support supportive housing services?
Type (project or consultation):
2016 - 2018
Process/what we did:
The MIL gathered a working group of Department of County Human Services (DCHS) subject matter experts (SMEs), as well as staff from then-Chair Deborah Kafoury and Commissioner Sharon Meieran’s offices, to serve as the key informants for the consultant team Health Management Associates (HMA). Through a process of interviews and process mapping current match activities, potential activities were assessed as to the possibility of Medicaid match funds for supportive housing services provided to eligible customers.
The final report in 2017 made recommendations focused in the DCHS’s Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division (ADVSD). In 2018, ADVSD successfully received reimbursement for supportive housing services that funded 1.5 FTE. Today, the entire state has the ability to pursue Medicaid match funds for these services.
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