MMP Supplier Access Request Form

To gain access to our Multco Marketplace we ask that each supplier complete our questionnaire. Please complete the following questions so that we can best assist you.

To gain access to our Multco Marketplace we ask that each supplier complete our MMP Supplier Request Access Form. If you are a new or existing supplier in our Multco Marketplace we have guidance below.

Existing Suppliers: Before completing this form please review the guidance below.

  • If you are an existing supplier but do not have a user id and password, your organization's system administrator or person responsible for your MMP profile will be able to grant you permission to create a user id and password.
  • If your system administrator has left the organization or if you are having technical issues login into MMP, please contact Jaggaer support at 1.800.233.1121 to assist you with a new user id and password. Please identify yourself as a supplier with Multnomah County Supplier.

New Suppliers

  • Complete the MMP Supplier Request Access Form below and allow us three days for processing. 
  • When processing is complete, a link to register will be emailed to you from the Multco Marketplace Supplier Portal.
Please complete the following questions to best assist your organization in gaining access to the Multco Marketplace Supplier Portal.
Is this request for an NSRF?

Multco Staff complete form for new suppliers only, refer to UG-SP3 How to Add A New User To An Existing Supplier Profile. If this request is for a supplier that is assuming an organization that has a profile in our supplier portal, update the supplier profile. 

Are you assuming an existing business? (Did you purchase a business, acquire a business, or merge with an existing business.),
Supplier Contact Information (All fields must be completed to prevent a processing delay)
You May Add Additional Contacts Once You are in the Multco MarketPlace Supplier Portal
Sourcing Event questions to help us assist you more quickly
Last reviewed February 22, 2023