Recommendation Follow-up 2023
The Multnomah County Auditor's Office's mission is to promote accountable and equitable county government. Our audit reports include recommendations for improvement, and county managers are responsible for taking corrective actions to address them. We follow up on audit recommendations to support county government's accountability.
Our follow-up work in recent years found that 54% of our audit recommendations have been implemented.
These charts show the results from our most recent follow-ups.

Which recommendations have not been implemented?
Audit: Mental Health: Ability to serve adults with serious and persistent mental illness is limited and at risk
Recommendation: Update county Choice policies to ensure that the policy language is aligned with the contract with the state; to clarify Choice enrollment criteria, particularly related to people who are civilly committed but do not go to the State Hospital; and clarify criteria for exiting someone from Choice.
Due Date: 7/1/2021
Audit: Multnomah County Jail Conditions: Circumstances were Worse for Adults in Custody who are Black and/or Have Mental Health Conditions
Recommendation: Eliminate the use of isolation as a disciplinary sanction for individuals with mental health conditions.
Due Date: 9/30/2022
Recommendation: Eliminate the use of disciplinary sanctions that involve isolation.
Due Date: 3/30/2023
Recommendation: Review the results of our survey of adults in custody to examine the areas of concern that adults in custody identified and implement changes to address those areas of concern.
Due Date: 3/30/2023
Recommendation: Explore an independent review function for jail operations, such as discipline and use of force incidents.
Due Date: 4/30/2023
Our follow-up program is informed by the U.S. Government Accountability Office's guidance on How to Get Action on Audit Recommendations (GAO/OP-9.2.1).