Our Purpose: To Promote Recovery

The Office of Consumer Engagement increases awareness and engagement of consumers at the policy level and in our community. It works internally and with the community to lead and advise peer efforts across our county/system.
The team advises division leadership, and function as liaisons to community providers and system partners. This team also helps the Behavioral Health division utilize current resources to improve engagement and coordination of care for our most vulnerable residents in Multnomah County living with mental illness and addiction. Peer staff develop workforce strategies and community training to increase awareness and the number of peers being competitively employed in our county.
This peer team interfaces with Behavioral Health leadership and staff, contracted providers and system partners increasing the awareness about the value of including peers in all aspects of our continuum of care. Additionally, the team assists in division efforts to improve strategies for integrating consumer and peer voice to improve outreach, engagement and coordination of recovery services to a population of consumers frequently engaged with multiple systems in our community.
Our Priorities
Establish a Multnomah County Peer Advisory Council
Map peer support specialist services in Multnomah County
Develop recommendations on system needs
Provide peer-led trainings to enhance the awareness and value of the peer workforce and engagement within the system of care
Build awareness about peers within Multnomah County and throughout the community
Strengthen policies and procedures to ensure services are more consumer friendly.
Continue to build a culturally-responsive system for people accessing mental health and addiction services
Coordinate and sponsor events and conferences involving peer services
Increase representation of consumers, including ethnic and racial groups, in local and state mental health planning activities
Long-Term Goals
To promote policies and services that:
- Promote and support mental health and addiction recovery
- Respect individuals’ choices and acknowledge their self-determination
- Promote higher levels of community inclusion, employment and education of peers and
- Increase the integration of peer services within the continuum of care, increasing capacity and access to peer-led services
Deandre Kenyanjui, Supervisor
deandre.kenyanjui@multco.us, 503-504-2184
Sadie Campbell, Peer Program Specialist
Mario Cardenas, Latino/e/x Engagement Coordinator
Roger Garth, African American/Black Engagement Coordinator
Contact Us
Office of Consumer Engagement
209 SW 4th Ave, Suite 520
Portland, OR 97204