Department of Community Justice
Adult Services
- Adult Offender Mental Health Services Access to resources for severe and persistently mentally ill offenders, including mental health evaluations, coordinated care, prescription services, and residential beds for dual diagnosis individuals.
- Addiction Services-Adult Offender Residential-Primarily Men 81 beds for Parole/Probation Officers and courts to assign high risk offenders for residential drug and alcohol treatment.
- Addiction Services-Adult Women's Residential Treatment 40 residential alcohol and drug treatment beds for high-risk female offenders.
- Addiction Services-Adult Drug Court Program Outpatient treatment and supervision for drug offenders.
- Adult Recog Program Assessment of defendants in County Jail for release pending court appearance.
- Adult Pretrial Supervision Assessment and supervision for defendants who are released prior to trial.
- Adult Family Supervision Unit Supervision and services for offenders with children, who have children in the juvenile justice system, and/or who are pregnant.
- Adult Day Reporting Center Nonresidential sanction and skill building program for adult offenders.
- Adult Property Crimes Programs (RAIN & START) Drug testing, supervision, and case management services through Parole/Probation Officers, funding for jail beds or jail transition, and alcohol and drug treatment.
Juvenile Services
- Family Court Services Parenting information and child custody mediation for high conflict high-risk situations.
- Juvenile Intake, Assessment, Intervention & Adjudication Responds to victim and public inquiries, administers risk assessments to offenders, and aligns youth with services based on risk level.
- Juvenile High-Risk Unit (RISE) Specific services for youth at high risk for gang activity (Resource Intervention Services to Empower [RISE]).
- Juvenile Secure Residential A&D Treatment (RAD) Secure treatment program for high-risk probation youth with serious drug and alcohol problems, chronic offending behaviors, and mental health issues.
- Juvenile Assessment & Treatment for Youth & Families Serves medium- and high-risk youth with substance abuse, mental health, and/or behavioral problems. Clinical assessments and outpatient treatment for probation youth.
Department of Community Services
Elections Division
- Elections Conducts all local, city, county, state and federal elections for the citizens of and all political districts within the County.
Department of County Human Services
Aging, Disability and Veterans Services (ADVS) Division
- ADS Access & Early Intervention Services Through a phone helpline and district senior centers, provides information and referral services, and in-home, community, and emergency services for older adults and people with disabilities.
- ADS Long Term Care Program Determines eligibility for and enrolls older adults and persons with disabilities in financial, nutritional, medical and case management services. Provides case management.
Community Services Division
- Energy Assistance Direct utility payments to income eligible households, along with energy education, case management, and related services
- Weatherization Energy use audits, weatherization, furnace repairs and replacement, and appliance replacement to fixed and low-income households.
- Community Healing Initiative Prevention services to Asian and Native American youth and families at highest risk of gang membership; intervention services to African-American and Latino youth and families involved with the juvenile justice system.
- Homeless Families Shelter & Emergency Services (HFSES) Year-round day and night shelter, access and referral to services, housing placement and retention support, and increased winter shelter capacity through the Family Warming Center.
- Homeless Youth System Crisis and safety services, shelter, assertive engagement and linkage to community supports, transitional and permanent housing, education and employment services, mental and other health services, and alcohol and drug treatment services to homeless youth.
Domestic Violence Coordination Office
- Domestic Violence Victims Services Continuum Emergency shelter, short-term advocacy, mobile advocacy, rent assistance, civil legal advocacy and restraining order assistance, and specialized support for victims and children. Culturally specific services for African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, Russian speakers, immigrants/refugees, and sexual minorities.
Mental Health and Addiction Services Division
- Behavioral Health Crisis Services Behavioral health emergency crisis response system, including call center, mobile outreach, and urgent walk-in clinic.
- Mental Health Services for Adults Psychiatric inpatient, respite and outpatient services.
- Community Based Mental Health Services for Children & Families Services ranging from prevention/early intervention to comprehensive outpatient services.
- School Based Mental Health Services School-based mental health treatment including crisis intervention; mental health assessment; individual, group, and family treatment; and clinical case management for underserved families.
- Culturally Specific Mental Health Services Culturally specific mental health services for Asian American, African American, Eastern European, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American communities.
- Addictions Detoxification & Post Detoxification Housing Medically monitored in-patient detoxification; post-detox supportive housing for homeless addicts continuing treatment.
SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) Service System
- Anti-Poverty Services Youth employment support services, low-income tax preparation services, CourtCare, school-based initiatives, benefits outreach, and County's Interfaith Initiative services.
- SUN Community Schools School-based educational, recreational, social and health services for school-age children at risk of academic failure and their families.
- Social & Support Services for Educational Success Year-round, school-linked, age-appropriate and culturally specific academic support, case management, family engagement, and skill building groups.
- Parent Child Development Services Services for children (birth through age 5) and their parents to promote positive parenting, healthy child development, and school readiness.
District Attorney
Division II: Misdemeanor Prosecution, Neighborhood DA and Gang Units
- Neighborhood DA Program Neighborhood-based DAs working directly with local citizens, community groups, neighborhood and business associations, and law enforcement agencies to combat quality of life crimes and improve neighborhood livability.
Health Department
Clinical Services
- Medicaid/Medicare Eligibility Supports access to health services through enrollment assistance and advocacy to families and children applying for Oregon Health Plan coverage and/or other public insurance coverage.
- Dental Services Provides urgent, routine, and preventive dental services in clinics and school-based programs.
- North Portland Health Center Provides comprehensive, culturally appropriate primary care, enabling services, and behavioral health services to uninsured and under-insured North Portland residents.
- Northeast Health Center Provides comprehensive, culturally appropriate primary care, enabling services, and behavioral health services to uninsured and under-insured Northeast Portland residents.
- Mid County Health Center Provides culturally competent, comprehensive primary care, preventive health, and enabling services, such as transportation and translation to uninsured and under-insured Mid-County residents.
- East County Health Center Provides comprehensive, culturally appropriate primary care, enabling services, and behavioral health services to uninsured and under-insured East County residents.
- School-based Health Centers 13 fully equipped medical clinics provide access to care including chronic, acute and preventive healthcare; age appropriate reproductive health; exams, risk assessments, prescriptions, immunizations, and other services.
- La Clinica de Buena Salud Provides comprehensive, culturally appropriate primary care, enabling services, and behavioral health services to uninsured and under-insured NE Portland Cully Neighborhood residents.
- Southeast Health Center Provides comprehensive, culturally appropriate primary care, enabling services, and behavioral health services to uninsured and under-insured Southeast Portland residents.
- Rockwood Community Health Center Provides comprehensive, culturally appropriate primary care, enabling services, and behavioral health services to uninsured and under-insured East County Rockwood residents.
- Primary Care and Dental Access and Referral Schedules new clients for primary and dental care, and schedules uninsured patients referred into community specialty care; provides information and referral for medical, dental, and social services.
Community Health Services
- STD/HIC/Hep C Community Prevention Program Prevents and reduces epidemics by controlling disease spread using evidence-based prevention interventions and STD treatment for those at highest risk.
- Services for Persons Living with HIV Provides community-based primary care and support services to highly vulnerable populations living with HIV; coordinates a six-county care system promoting access to high quality HIV services.
- Early Childhood Home Based Services Home visiting programs for pregnant women and first-birth parents and children, including Nurse Family Partnership and Healthy Start of Oregon; programs target high-risk families experiencing health disparities and meeting eligibility criteria.
- Early Childhood Home and Community Based Services Home visiting programs for pregnant women and first-birth parents and children, including the Healthy Birth Initiatives Program and CaCoon; programs target high-risk families experiencing health disparities and meeting eligibility criteria.
- Women, Infants and Children Provides food, nutrition education, growth monitoring, and support services to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5.
- Environmental Health Education, Outreach and Housing Addresses health inequities through chronic disease prevention, improving health and livability of the home, and addressing environmentally related health concerns.
Library District
Central Library
- Central Library Offers access to Library collections, informational services, programs, classes, Internet access, and meeting spaces; provides system-wide services, including virtual services.
Neighborhood Libraries
- Regional Libraries Belmont, Gresham, Hillsdale, Hollywood, and Midland branches offer access to Library collections and the Internet, as well as learning, cultural, and recreational services. Branches typically have more space and larger collections, offer more services, and/or have a higher rate of overall use than neighborhood libraries.
- Neighborhood Libraries Albina, Capitol Hill, Fairview-Columbia, Gregory Heights, Holgate, Kenton, North Portland, Northwest, Rockwood, St. Johns, Sellwood-Moreland, Troutdale, and Woodstock branches offer access to Library collections and the Internet, as well as learning, cultural, and recreational services.
Youth Services
- School-Age Services Services to improve reading and information literacy for youth in kindergarten through high school. Programs include Books 2 U.
Last reviewed March 14, 2023