Promotion Rate for Regular Represented Employees by Gender

Promotion Rate for Regular Represented Employees by Gender

Promotion Rate for Regular Represented Employees by Gender
Promotion Rate for Regular Represented Employees by Gender

A line graph with fiscal year 2020, 2021, and 2022 on the x-axis,  and promotion rate of Female and Male  regular represented employees on the y-axis.

For Female regular represented employees, in fiscal year 2020 (2746), fiscal year 2021 (2688), and fiscal year 2022 (2801)--the promotion rate was (3.7%), (3.5%), and (7.9%), respectively.

For Male regular represented employees, in fiscal year 2020 (1709), fiscal year 2021 (1707), and fiscal year 2022 (1776)--the promotion rate was (3.2%), (2.6%), and (5.7%), respectively.

Last reviewed June 23, 2023