Property Tax Equity

An interactive report that illustrates the magnitude of Measure 50 property tax inequities in Multnomah County.

An interactive report that illustrates the magnitude of Measure 50 property tax inequities in the County. The report compares property taxes in 2013-14 to our revenue-neutral model that equitably distributes property taxes.

Property Tax Equity, as an issue, has found its way into the 2014 Gubernatorial Election.  On Friday, October 10, 2014, Oregon Public Broadcasting Radio’s Think Out Loud host, Dave Miller, moderated a Gubernatorial Debate at the Portland City Club Friday Forum.  With permission from OPB’s Think Out Loud, we excerpted one question from Dave Miller related to property tax equity and the complete answers of the two main contenders, Representative Dennis Richardson and Governor John Kitzhaber;  below is that except. 

Excerpt related to Property Tax Equity

For the complete debate you may go to OPB via the following link.

Property Tax Equity: Question & Answers from 2014 Gubernatorial Debate and Think Out Loud:

For more information about Think Out Loud and other segments go to:

Last reviewed December 8, 2021