Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee

The Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee creates recommendations and timeline for establishing a public campaign financing program for candidates seeking County elected offices.


In May 2024, the Multnomah County Board of County Commissioners approved funding to establish a Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee). The Committee is charged with creating a set of recommendations and timeline for establishing a public campaign financing program for candidates seeking Multnomah County’s elected offices before the November 2026 General Election.

Public campaign finance programs such as the City of Portland’s Small Donor Elections program seek to reduce the influence of money in politics and encourage the election of people to public office who are reflective of and accountable to all voters by leveraging public dollars to multiply small donations from local residents. The Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee will meet from November 2024 through March 2025 to develop a series of recommendations and a proposed timeline for how to best implement public financing in Multnomah County elections.

Advisory Committee tasks

The Board of County Commissioners has charged the Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee with the following tasks:

  • Examining potential governance structures for a permanent independent oversight body, including recommendations on how best to partner with the City of Portland’s Small Donor Elections.
  • Looking at financing options to fully fund a small donor program, and development of administrative rules and forms.
  • Scoping relevant technology, staffing, and other materials and supplies needed to effectively operate a small donor program.
  • Developing a schedule for reporting to the Board and a plan for transitioning of the Implementation Committee to an Oversight Committee.
  • Prepare a report for the Board of County Commissioners by February 28th, 2025. It will include an overview of similar work in other jurisdictions, the legal frameworks that were used, and key milestones for implementing recommendations described above. This will be followed by a vote of the Board requesting the adoption of those recommendations as County policy.
  • Supporting efforts to provide briefings to Commissioners on the progress of the work at their request.

The Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee will be supported by the Public Campaign Finance Program Manager, a full-time Multnomah County employee.

Committee member requirements

Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee members will:

  • Live or work in Multnomah County.
    • Multnomah County hopes to recruit at least two Committee members from each of the County Commission districts. You can find maps of the districts here.
  • Commit to participating on the Advisory Committee through at least March 31, 2025
  • Commit to regularly attending and participating in committee meetings
  • Members will generally be asked to attend a two-hour full group meeting twice per month. Meetings will be held in the evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Meetings will be offered in a hybrid format with in-person and virtual attendance options.
  • Have access to supports to allow their full participation at their request, including, but not limited to:
    • Interpretation in their preferred language
    • Stipends for meeting attendance.
  • Have experience working collaboratively with individuals who may hold differing opinions.

Multnomah County hopes to recruit at least two Committee members from each of the County Commission districts. You can find maps of the districts here.

Time commitment

The Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee will meet approximately twice a month for two hours, between November 2024 and February 2025. Members can expect to use up to one hour outside of meetings to review materials and prepare for discussions. Total time commitment is expected to be up to eight hours per month.

Committee member compensation

Members of the Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee will receive a monthly stipend of $140.00 per month for their participation. ($35.00 per two hour meeting + two hours of meeting preparation.) You are not required to accept the stipend to participate in this process.

Stipends are tax reportable. The Internal Revenue Service tax regulations require Multnomah County to report payments made to non-County employees that equal or exceed $600.00 in a tax year. Individuals receiving less than $600.00 in a tax year will not be reported. In order to report we must obtain the legal name of the individual and social security number.

Upcoming meetings and meeting video recordings

Links to public notices that include details about upcoming Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee meetings are posted at the bottom of this webpage under the "Upcoming Meetings" section. 

Notices for past meetings and video recordings of the meetings can be found below that in the "Past Meeting Notices and Videos" section.

Last reviewed March 10, 2025