Request for Verification of Good Standing

Get step-by-step instructions for submitting a Request for Verification of Good Standing.

Step 1: Submit your Request for Verification of Good Standing to the county

1. Print out the

and complete every section above "For Office Use Only"

  • Double-check that your contact information in the Petitioner Information section is complete and current. This is where the county will contact you to follow up on your request.

2. Turn your completed form into the community corrections agency in the county where you were last supervised on probation or post-prison supervision. Note: The office of the last PO who supervised you qualifies as a community corrections agency.

3. The county will review your request. If all items are satisfied, the county will sign and date the form and send it back to you, using the contact information you provided on your form.

Step 2: When the county returns your form, submit it to your local county courthouse

4. Take your county-signed form to the courthouse in the county where you currently reside (even if you were never supervised in that county). Courthouse staff will submit your form to the court and the DA for consideration.

5. If your request is accepted and approved by the court, a judge will sign a Certificate of Good Standing Verification Form and send it back to you.

  • Please note that the Certificate of Good Standing Verification Form is an official court document and will be filed with the courthouse. The District Attorney or the court may request a hearing on your request, and require you to appear in front of a judge.

Step 3: Keep your copy on-hand

1. Keep a copy of your Certificate of Good Standing Verification Form to share when you undergo background checks for employment, housing, etc. If you lose your copy, you may request a new copy from the courthouse in the county where your Certificate of Good Standing Verification Form was issued.

Last reviewed November 7, 2022