Responsible Business Practice Library

The Triple Bottom Line of sustainability's is 3 impact areas Environment, Equity, & Economic.

Administrative Rule PUR-8 states we must bring sustainability considerations into our purchases.

An iPad in a toolbox

We are institutionalizing sustainability with technology. We are utilizing technology by developing a Responsible Business Practice Library in our new E-procurement tool, Jaggaer which we have branded the Multco Marketplace.

The new Responsible Business Practice(RBP) Library incorporates our former sustainability checklist with additional functionality to develop, track, and report sustainability used in our work. The RBP Library is a tool that is meant to inspire deep reflective, intentional thinking and planning, but also to generate significant quality improvement in our procurement planning process in the three areas of Sustainability: Environment, Equity, and Economic Impacts.

The Responsible Business Practice Library is a tool is meant to be the framework where cross-sector solutions will build and sustain the resources and conditions necessary for existing and future staff to practice sustainability in the procurement life cycle. Your work with the sustainability considerations you create will be seen by proposers in specifications and responsible business practices section of solicitation documents and housed the Multco Marketplace for others to bring into their Sourcing Events. The new Responsible Business Practice(RBP) Library incorporates our former sustainability checklist with additional functionality to develop, track, and report sustainability used in our work. The RBP Library is a tool that is meant to inspire deep reflective, intentional thinking and planning, but also to generate significant quality improvement in our procurement planning process in the three areas of Sustainability: Environment, Equity, and Economic Impacts.

The Responsible Business Practice Library is a tool that is meant to be the framework where cross-sector solutions will build and sustain the resources and conditions necessary for existing and future staff to practice sustainability. We are working on creating a responsive library of information that will continually change to meet the needs of our community. Environmental considerations are always an essential part of sustainability, but we are also putting a focus on how our procurement and contracting can affect our communities ability to participate in their economic impacts. We will continue to create pathways for community empowerment and participation with our social equity considerations. In our procurements, we most often practice equity with workforce diversity and supporting all suppliers. We are continually seeking ways for all members of our community to participate so that the community may make their own economic impact decisions.

Moving into action: We are building capacity for sustainability in our work culture by providing a supportive, flexible, and interactive accountability process in the Multco Marketplace.

We value on-going dialog as we continue to develop the RBP Library. We expect on-going evolution. We provide on-going technical assistance in daily with person to person contact, online resources, and formal training. We have clear roles, timelines, and outcomes. We want to ensure we are collecting data that is:

relevant to our issue(s),considers the culture of the community and the people affected by the services or work, measurable qualitative and quantitative based on community priorities, evaluation criteria with defined results, we are open to working on challenge areas,we take time to reflect and understand our strengths and, enhance what will lead us to an on-going practice of sustainability. On-going Evaluation: We are utilizing multiple methods of data collection which requires innovation and commitment to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of our work from diverse perspectives.

Multnomah County Staff

Last reviewed April 16, 2019