Supervised Misdemeanor DUI Program FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions to help you succeed.

DCJ East Campus
1245 SE 122nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97233

Phone: 503-988-4848 Fax: 503-988-3890

What is the Supervised Misdemeanor DUI Program?

The Supervised Misdemeanor DUI Program is a probation program. Your name is entered into the Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS). If you have contact with the police, our staff is notified, investigates the contact, and will follow with the appropriate action (i.e., a sanction, a report to your probation judge asking for a hearing, or no action). The most common violations reported are drinking, driving illegally, and committing new crimes.

You are charged a monthly supervision fee to be in the Supervised Misdemeanor DUI Program.

Do I have a probation officer with the Supervised Misdemeanor DUI Program?

YES. You are on formal probation and a probation officer will be tracking completion of all the conditions.

Note: You are not eligible for this program if you are already assigned to a probation officer.

What do I do now? What should I do first?

  1. Sign up for the DUII Evaluation.

    ADES of Portland
    506 SW 6th Ave. Suite 611 Portland, OR 97204 -1526
    Phone 503-719-5741 (they return calls within 5 working days)
    Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    This is very important: You must report to the DUII evaluators immediately to set up an appointment​.
  2. Attend Victims Panel as directed at your intake.
  3. Jail time: Go to the Justice Center TSI Desk and schedule your jail time. If you have a question about turning yourself in, call the TSI Desk at : 503-988-3276.
  4. You are required to report either on-line or by phone regularly to this program. If you do not report as required, your probation officer will be notified and appropriate action will be taken.
  5. Make sure you have a calendar and write down all of your appointments, including your TSI dates for jail. If necessary, ask a friend or family member to remind you about your appointments, and to drive you where you need to go.

    The first 30-45 days of your probation are important. Stay focused and organized, and take care of business!

Where can I get a copy of my police report and DMV (driving) record?

Get your police report from your attorney, or from the police agency that cited/arrested you for the DUII. The agency will charge you for the copy; ask them how much, and how to pay for it.

Go to any full service DMV office and request a copy of your driving record; the DMV will charge you a small fee.

The best thing to do is ask DMV to fax a copy of your record to the DUII Evaluators’ office at 503-719-5742.

Are there special conditions for the Supervised Misdemeanor DUI Program?

YES, and they are:

  • Do not use or possess alcoholic beverages.
  • Do not drive a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license and insurance.
  • Take a Breathalyzer test and/or field sobriety test if requested by the police or your probation officer. (If you refuse, it’s an automatic probation violation.)
  • Do not enter bars or taverns or any establishment whose primary income is derived from the sale of alcohol.
  • Obtain a DUII evaluation and complete any alcohol or substance abuse treatment program recommended by your evaluator.
  • Attend the Victims Panel.
  • Notify us of any change in residence or mailing address within 24 hours (excluding weekends).
  • Pay a monthly supervision fee, as explained at your intake appointment.
  • Submit to fingerprinting when directed to do so by your probation officer.


…I miss my Victims Panel date or I don’t have the $50 fee?

To reschedule your appointment you will need to call 503-413-4960. Be sure to let your probation officer know either through Monitor Connect when you report in or by contacting your probation office.

…I don’t see the DUII evaluators within 25 days of being sentenced?

Your probation judge could issue a warrant for your arrest. Go to the DUII Evaluation office at 506 SW 6th Ave, Suite 611 Portland, OR. Make an appointment for the screening assessment.

… I don’t have the time or money to do any of this right now, so is it OK if I wait a year? After all, I have at least two years on this probation?

NO -- it is NOT OK to wait a year, or even a month. Your probation officer gave you instructions to immediately schedule Victims Panel; to report to the DUII Evaluators immediately; to schedule your jail time (if any); and to start paying a certain amount of money every month on your fines. Your probation officer will review your case after the first 60 days after sentencing and then every 90 days after that. If you ignore these instructions and do nothing, your probation officer could either issue a sanction or ask your probation judge to issue a warrant for your arrest, or send you a notice that a show cause hearing has been set and you will have to go back to court. Your probation officer can sanction you to Community Service hours, Electronic Monitoring or House Arrest. The judge can either give you more time on probation – up to six years, or revoke your probation and put you in jail for up to a year.

Last reviewed November 7, 2022