Types of promotion by fiscal year

Types of promotion by fiscal year

Types of promotion by fiscal year
Types of promotion by fiscal year

A stacked bar chart with fiscal year 2020 (N=204), 2021 (N=184), and 2022 (N=339) on the x-axis and employee movement from represented to non-represented, represented to represented, and non-represented to non-represented on the y-axis.

In fiscal year 2020, represented to non-represented (15.7%), represented to represented (65.7%), and non-represented to non-represented (18.6%).

In fiscal year 2021, represented to non-represented (25%), represented to represented (53.8%), and non-represented to non-represented (21.1%).

In fiscal year 2022, represented to non-represented (16.8%), represented to represented (68.4%), and non-represented to non-represented (14.8%).

Last reviewed June 23, 2023